Onyx Cool�s 80� Safety Pro Vest is made with a specially formulated plant-based cooling phase material (PCM) that safely and comfortably cools the core to protect against heat stress, increase stamina and enhance performance. Provides safe, effective cooling for anyone that works hard in the heat: construction, manufacturing and utility workers; athletes and officials; surgeons and operating room nurses; first responders, police and military.
Care and Use:
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Safety Information:
What is OnyxCool?
OnyxCool makes FDA-registered Class 1 medical devices that deliver optimal cooling for pain relief, injury repair and recovery from surgery. Each OnyxCool product is made in the USA and utilizes Phase Change Material that is formulated to either 58� F or 80� F.
OnyxCool's therapeutic products wraps have been clinically tested to provide safe, effective pain relief. Compared to other cool therapy methods, post-surgical patients using OnyxCool reported higher satisfaction scores and reduced use of pain medication.
Why Cool, Not Cold?
Ice and gel packs are too cold and create risk of ice burn and frost bite. After a short period of time they create discomfort and cause vasoconstriction. This shrinking of blood vessels reduces blood flow and inhibits the body's natural ability to heal.
Unlike ice or gel packs, OnyxCool therapeutic devices utilize Phase Change Material (PCM) specially-formulated to 58� for optimal cool therapy and can be worn directly on the skin. The PCM draws heat away from the injury to relieve pain and speed healing by allowing healthy blood flow.
OnyxCool PCM-Phase Change Material:
Safe, effective cool therapy for active healing and recovery.
The Problem:
Ice and gel packs are too cold. After a short period of time they cause vasoconstriction. This shrinking of blood vessels reduces blood flow and inhibits the body's natural ability to heal.
The Solution:
Unlike ice, OnyxCool PCM is specially formulated for cool therapy. The PCM pulls heat away from the injury to speed up healing and relieve pain.