Gorgonz Temperature Regulating Performance Work Hat

Gorgonz Temperature Regulating Performance Work Hat

Gorgonz Temperature Regulating Performance Work Hat
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  • Product Description
Staying Cool: Get it wet and stay cooler longer! Unlike other hats that trap heat and sweat, this Performance Hat uses patented technology to pull heat and sweat from the head.

Staying Warm: Wear it dry for insulating power! Unlike other hats that have no insulating performance, this Performance Hat can contain heat to keep you warmer.

Outer Layer: 100% Polyester

Middle Layer: When wet, evaporative cooling layer pulls heat off head. When dry, evaporative layer insulates head.

Sweat Band: Special COOLMAX fabric pulls seat off head.

How to Activate Cooling:
  • 1) Soak inside of hat with water
  • 2) Let water soak into hat for 2-3 minutes then wring excess water out of hat. Repeat as needed.
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